The Census and the GOP Latino Strategy: If You Can't Beat 'Em, Don't Count 'Em

Hi WilliamL Couple of Things:

The US Looses more tax revenue from tax shelters for the rich and corporations offshoring jobs than the few undocumented and the pittence they get paid. And YES they pay taxes. sales, property, tolls, etc, typically a greater % of their income then any income tax. Those taxes are helping to pay for the roads and services we all enjoy.

I'm all for insuring and licensing all drivers. You should advocate in your state for non-resident driver's licenses. That would solve your problem.

The idea that illegals make up large % or the violent crime in this country is a lie. Our jails are 95+% filled with US citizens. International gangs make for good TV and flashy headlines, but don't reflect the real drug or violence problem in this country among the citizenry.

No immigrant expects you to learn their language, but that skill can only be to your advantage. Most countries speak mulitple languages, including the G8. Also - I hope you don't assume that just because people don't speak English in your presence that they are not citizens or that they don't know English. People are free to communicate however they wish...they can speak "Klingon" if they wanted to.

Bottom line - there would be no reason to circumvent the immigration process if the process was fair, just, and worked. Reform is about trying to make it work for everyone in this great nation.
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