Hiram Monserrate's Expulsion Upheld By Judge
He's a disgrace to more than just his constituents. When d-bags like Monseratte try pulling the "man of the people" crap and parade poor clueless individuals he shames his district, his city, and perhaps most tragic, he shames positive Latinos who are trying to do well by the comunity. He is of the same school as these machista cowards who think that their public face is all that matters, and forget what attrocities he's committing to his family behind closed doors. In the quest for power, they resort to violence at the first sign of a real challenge, and if that challenge comes from "his" family, even worse the reaction. Latinos should NOT defend this piece of garbage. Kick him out and keep our politicians honest. It's time for a new model for Latino Masculinity. The time of defending this bull in the name of "culture" is over.
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