Reading the Pictures: <i>Stop Anderson, CNN. Just STOP.</i>

Mr. Shaw: While I understand your reasoning, I disagree that CNN & Anderson Cooper are simply exploiting the Haitian people. I've been watching CNN and other networks and how they cover this tragedy and I believe CNN is doing a decent job of documenting the realities of this event. American media typically sanitize pictures and block gory images of death, unlike much of the international press. This gives Americans a false sense of what is going on, and the true pain of the people. I encourage CNN and the other networks to show more of the devastation and suffering, so that the world cannot ignore what's happening. When you can't see the truth, it's easier to think it's not real, or overstated, and therefore easier to do nothing. Only showing the truth through honest imagery will compel people to help. Sometimes that means showing images that makes people uncomfortable. That is a good thing. The world is a dark, painful place. To ignore this is to live in a cocoon of ones own ignorance. My hearts and prayers are with the Haitian people, and more importantly, I will be adding whatever I can to help with aid. In the end, it's not about CNN, Anderson Cooper, or even you, Mr. Shaw. It's about what moves the people to act.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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